This time of year, it becomes extremely difficult to take good care of ourselves. As moms, we run ourselves ragged trying to be everywhere, and be everything to everyone. And while this time of year is filled with fun it is also very tiring.
In addition to being busy, we are also eating, drinking and being oh so merry. Before we know it, all this merriness can take its toll and we can begin to feel sluggish, maybe even a little sick. For these reasons it is extra important to eat healthy whenever and wherever we can. One of these areas, is breakfast.
Now I am well aware that taking the time to make sure that little old you has a healthy and well balanced breakfast is not always a top priority, and believe me, I am guilty of the occasional latte for breakfast. However, I never feel as good throughout the day as when I start my day with some power foods.
Since my (our) time is limited I am always looking for breakfast options that are fast and still healthy… no, the Starbucks scone does not qualify as healthy even if it is the “petite” one. So with this in mind, I wanted to share this simple, yet delicious breakfast staple. It will give you everything you need to kick start your day with the energy you need to get through party season. Plus, it will keep you looking fit and fab so that if you are heading somewhere tropical (lucky!) you can still fit in your bikini or at the very least, your chic sundress. 🙂 xx
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