
Super Mommy: Super Foods

Every super mommy needs her super foods! Here are some of my favorites for mommy and some for the kiddos. Enjoy xx




Blueberries: I love them! I try to eat them everyday. I have noticed a big difference in how they taste though, depending on where you buy them. The best blueberries come from a farmers market, but if you don’t have one near you then look for blueberries that are organic and/or local. They are likely to have the best flavor. I also love them for how easy they are to give to my 1 year-old. She loves them and could practically eat a whole carton. Before I give them to her I give them just a little squish with my fingers, but since they are smaller I don’t have to worry about cutting them like grapes. My older kids won’t eat them by the bunches like she will, but they do like them in smoothies. This way they still get the powerful antioxidants.






Walnuts: Funny story about walnuts… When I was in my third trimester of my first pregnancy I had a moment where looking at them actually made me start to salivate. It was a little strange, but I had to rip into the bag and scarf some down. Now prior to this I had always thought walnuts were okay, but I never craved them. This walnut craving experience made me look deeper into the cause. It turns out in your third trimester your body needs a lot of Omega 3s for your babies brain development and my body certainly wanted me to know this. It is pretty amazing what the body can tell you when you trust your instincts. I still love these nutrient dense little guys as a non-pregger… just no salivating.






Beans: My family loves the black bean. It is great way to get protein and fiber into everyone’s diet and it is so easy. From time to time I will soak and cook the beans, but I usually just buy a can of organic black beans. Make sure to read the ingredients. Some are loaded with preservatives and salt. Neither is necessary and it barely costs anymore to get all natural, low sodium beans. They are also one of my preferred first baby foods. Just make sure they are soft or mash them a little with a fork. They are a fabulous way to give your baby protein without having to cook a chicken. Plus, there is more fiber helping to prevent a backed up baby… that isn’t fun for anyone.






Tea: There is much to be said about the benefits of green and black tea that make me drink it for more than just the caffeine. It is a power antioxidant that is said to help lower cholesterol and can even fight cancer. I would love to say I have tea every morning, but that isn’t the case since I’m still hooked on my lattes. However, I do tend to have iced tea or hot tea every afternoon. It has just the right amount of caffeine to power me through my afternoon, but not keep me up at night. Plus, it is a nice little refresher for the always busy afternoon.








Wine: Not sure I really need to go into detail on the health benefits of a glass of red wine because lets face it I would drink it anyway. But it sure makes me feelbetter about my glass (or 2… not the recommended) when I hear that it can actually improve my health. The skin and seed of the grape contain an antioxidant that helps protect cell membranes and has anti-inflammatory properties. I also believe that part of its health benefit has to do with de-stressing… something almost every mom I know needs.
So let’s raise a glass to all of us Super Mommies! xx



with love,

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