
For the Newest & Cutest Eater

When your new baby is ready to start eating solids for the first time it can be a fun, messy & sometimes confusing situation. For me, I have been fortunate that it has been mostly just fun & messy. However, I will say each of my four children have been different in what they like to eat and how they eat it. Some have wanted (or needed) to have pureed spoon fed foods for longer while others early on show signs they are ready for little finger foods clearly wanting to feed themselves. They key is to follow your instinct, try out things slowly and watch your baby’s cues. When they are ready they will want to feed themselves… something this mama is thankful happened early with baby number 4! Especially since it was often hard to feed Amalia and get everything on the table for the other kiddos as well. Maybe she sensed it and decided to make life a little easier on me:) Hope this mentality keeps up! For more on my “new eater essentials” keep scrolling down. And for you new mamas out there please feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below. Happy Hump Day! Although it feels like Thursday… gotta love a short week! xx Jess  These cup is easy to use making it a nice transition from the bottle.

Typical breakfast- organic whole grain waffles (or oatmeal when I have time to feed Amalia), blueberries & raspberries or strawberries cut up into bite size pieces. Love these bibs because they clean easily and the catch pouch makes for less mess on the floor and seat… although my dog would definitely say not to go with a catch pouch;)

The safety straps are must for any busy baby.

1 // 2 (boy + girl) // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

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